Making Use of Your Bathroom Space

Whether your bathroom is big or small, at Soaks Bathrooms we want you to get the best out of your bathroom space. There are many ways that you can make the most out of your bathroom. Here are some of Soaks Bathrooms top tips.

Baths & Showers

Having either a bath or a shower is essential for your bathroom. If you are jealous of those who have both why not join them. Space is not an issue as you can install a shower head over your bath to give yourself the best of both worlds!

Corner Baths are coming back into trend in 2021 and we are here for it. At Soaks Bathrooms we believe everyone deserves to have a good size bath and with the comeback of corner baths it is becoming a possibility again!

The Wall-hung bath is becoming a popular choice in bathrooms thanks to its space-saving design. A wall-hung bath works well with contemporary decor. It is ideal for bathrooms with limited space as it can fit into tight spaces but still remain a good size for you to enjoy.

Soaks Bathrooms Storage Hacks

Smart storage options in your bathroom can really bring the room together and give you space you never thought you had. There are a lot of different options when it comes to storage for your bathroom. The surrounding area of your bathroom sink can allow for good storage. Whether it is a vanity unit above with mirrored doors or drawers below a floating sink, using this area will help save you some space.

You know that dead space at the bottom of your bath? That can have a purpose! Some bathrooms are built with a little bit of useless space at the end of the bath and to be honest we don’t really know why. Instead of letting it just sit there unused, make something of it. It is the perfect space for a tiny cupboard or some shelves for your wash towels. 

Electric towel rails are another great way to save space! These rails come in a variety of sizes so they can be as long or short as you like. They are handy as they double as a radiator and somewhere for your towels to stay when they are not being used… and who doesn't love getting out of the shower to wrap themselves in a warm towel!

Fake It Until You Make It

Sometimes you do not need more space or storage you just need to change the aesthetics. Lighting is everything when it comes to enhancing your space. Good lighting can be achieved by big windows to ensure sunlight is getting in. Brighter walls and tiles the sun can bounce off and brightly coloured bits and bobs in your bathroom can really tie your bathroom together.

Another quick tip to trick people into thinking that your bathroom is larger than it seems is half tiled baths. The outside of these baths match the tiles on your bathroom floor… It seems like an odd concept at first but it makes total sense when you see the effect it has on the size of your bathroom.